The Middle Harbour P&C is a group of Parents and Citizens who work collaboratively with the Middle Harbour Public School to foster a sense of community and to raise funds for school and student resources.
Formally, the P&C consists of an Executive, a committee and subcommittees who contribute, oversee, and are responsible for the operation of Middle Harbour's Senior and Junior School Bands, String Ensembles, the Uniform Shop, the Class Parents, the Cottage (before/after/vacation school care) and annual Fundraising events and initiatives.
Family involvement in Middle Harbour is vital and we are extremely fortunate to have committed families who put substantial amounts of energy into our P&C fundraising and community events. These events not only assist with vital fundraising but are also a wonderful way of meeting other parents and to build on the sense of school community. The P&C’s website is: http://www.mhpspandc.com.au and here you will find useful information and announcements, along with P&C meeting information. The P&C also communicates more broadly to the school community via Skoolbag.
P&C meetings are held twice per term on Tuesday evenings in Weeks 3 and 8. And during Covid these are via Zoom. All meeting details with relevant Zoom links are sent out a week prior. Each meeting includes an update from the school Principal, the P&C President, and a general discussion on different topics. Everyone is welcome and it is a wonderful way to learn more about the school.
The meetings follow an agenda and minutes can be found on our website: https://mhpspandc.com.au/pc/about-us/.
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions on how we can make the P&C even better for all of the Middle Harbour School community, please contact the P&C President - mhpspresident@gmail.com
P&C Events (pdf 220 KB)