Our teachers use a variety of strategies to assess student learning. These include observing work in class and looking closely at tasks throughout the year.
Twice a year, teachers formally assess a student’s achievement based on the outcomes described in the syllabus of each subject. A written report using the common grade scale is sent home in the first half of the year, usually near the end of Term 2, and again in Term 4. This gives a clear picture of your child’s learning.
We provide detailed information to students about what we expect from them throughout the year and how their work will be assessed. Students have a number of formal assessments throughout their schooling.
- Best Start – a mandatory, one-to-one assessment that identifies a student’s literacy and numeracy skills at the beginning of Kindergarten.
- National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) – reading, writing, language conventions (spelling, punctuation and grammar) and numeracy tests for students in Years 3 and 5. The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) holds the tests in March each year. Results and student reports are released in August.
- Validation of Assessment for Learning and Individual Development (VALID) – online diagnostic science assessment for students in Year 6.
- Some students may elect to sit the opportunity class or selective high school placement tests. For more information, visit selective high schools and opportunity classes.
Written reports
A written report on your child's achievement and progress in learning is provided twice a year. Reports are delivered online via a secure parent portal.
Assessing student achievement and progress in learning
Your child's achievement and progress in learning is assessed using the syllabus stage standards relevant for their stage of learning. Syllabus standards describe what students are expected to achieve by the end of a stage of learning. The syllabuses describe a progression of learning in different domains of learning from K-10. We can think of syllabus standards as curriculum milestones or desired outcomes.
Students typically progress through the stages as follows:
- Early Stage 1 - Kindergarten
- Stage 1 - Years 1 & 2
- Stage 2 - Years 3 & 4
- Stage 3 - Years 5 & 6
- Stage 4 - Years 7 & 8
- Stage 5 - Years 9 & 10
Your child's report will tell you
1. What your child was expected to achieve (know, understand and be able to do) by the end of the semester.
2. How well they achieved the expected standard using a 5 point scale.
3. How well they demonstrated effort in learning using a scale 4,3,2,1 from least to most effort.
Please note: Kindergarten reports do not use a 5 point scale for achievement. They simply tell you if your child has achieved the milestones expected at this point in time, is still working towards them or has moved on to more challenging content.
Parent/ Teacher meetings
Parent/Teacher meetings are scheduled for term 1. The purpose of these meetings is to prioritise and clarify the learning goals important for your child's continued progress and achievement. When students, teachers and parents are all heading in the same direction students feel supported and motivated to learn.
However, if you have any concerns or queries, don't wait for a parent-teacher meeting. Please make an appointment with the relevant teacher.