Middle Harbour Public School

Respect, Responsibility, Personal Best

Telephone02 9953 6232


Child Protection

The aim of Child Protection Education in primary schools is to assist students in developing skills in:

  • recognising and responding to unsafe situations
  • seeking assistance effectively
  • establishing and maintaining relationships and strengthening attitudes and values related to equality, respect and responsibility. 

Child Protection  is part of the Personal Development, Health and  Physical Education, (PDHPE) syllabus and addressed as part of Safe Living strand. The following information provides an overview of the expected outcomes for each stage of learning and the content.


Early Stage 1 Demonstrates an emerging awareness of the concepts of safe and unsafe living.

  • indicates a number of possible actions for safety, eg No-Go-Tell
  • talks about feeling safe/unsafe
  • identifies people who keep them safe
  • describes safe places to play
  • recalls and uses playground rules
  • describes dangerous things they can see, reach and touch, eg medicines


Stage 1  Recognises that their safety depends on the environment and the behaviour of themselves and others.

  • compares the characteristics of places where students feel safe and unsafe
  • role-plays what to do in an emergency, eg dial 000
  • identifies things needed to play safely, eg helmets for bike riding, sun screen, taking turns on equipment
  • describes what is needed for them to travel to and from school safely and practises these things
  • describes dangerous things they can see, reach and touch and ways of dealing with them, eg electrical appliances, poisons, medications
  • demonstrates actions they can take when they feel unsafe and identifies who can help them


Stage 2 Discusses how safe practices promote personal wellbeing

  • discusses why substances such as tobacco can be dangerous to the body
  • recognises behaviours that are risky and identifies people who can help
  • describes certain behaviours that can create a safe environment for
  • themselves, their school and community
  • identifies people from whom they can seek advice and support in emergency
  • situations
  • explains the need for rules and laws made for the protection of themselves and others
  • identifies the potential hazards of various appliances in their environment
  • creates a video on a particular safety issue, eg safe play, smoke-free areas
  • explains the need for rules for safe behaviour in familiar settings
  • compares the characteristics of people and situations that cause students to feel safe and unsafe
  • recognises how their body reacts and how they might feel in safe and unsafe situations


Stage 3 Describes safe practices that are appropriate to a range of situations and environments.

  • demonstrates ways to improve unsafe environments, eg home, school, local parks
  • practises emergency response procedures, eg basic first aid, dial 000
  • devises strategies to respond to risky and dangerous situations, such as where people may be misusing drugs, discarded needles and syringes
  • formulates and practises action plans for accident and emergency situations in the home, school and local environment
  • plans how to take responsibility for their own safety and that of others, eg swim only in safe places
  • identifies factors that may cause accidents, eg when a driver is under the influence of alcohol
  • uses safety devices and protective equipment in relevant situations, eg wear seatbelts, helmets
  • identifies individuals and services in the community that help protect their wellbeing
  • describes the consequences of accidents for the individual and the community