Middle Harbour Public School

Respect, Responsibility, Personal Best

Telephone02 9953 6232


Student Health Care

Health Care Plans

If your child has a health condition that may require medication, it is necessary to complete a Health Care Plan

In addition, please have your doctor complete the following if applicable:

-  Asthma Plan (pdf 108 KB)
-  Allergy Plan (pdf 211 KB)
-  Anaphylaxis Plan (pdf 283 KB)

All forms and medications need to be brought to the school office prior to the first transition session. 

Parents/carers of children who require prescribed medication to be administered at school must complete a written request form. Students must not carry their own medications unless there is a written agreement between the school principal and the student's parents/carers.

For any queries, please phone the school office on (02) 9953 6232 or email middleharb-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au.