Special Ethics Education (SEE) is a secular alternative to scripture classes available to all students who have nominated Non-Scripture. Special Ethics Education follows the curriculum and teaching methods of Primary Ethics.
The approach taken by Primary Ethics is that ethical exploration in the classroom is best done through dialogue and discussion - a tradition of philosophical inquiry that goes right back to Socrates. This approach has significant social benefits. By learning to think about ethical matters together and through the give-and-take of reasoned argument, students will learn properly to consider other people's points of view and to be sincere, reasonable and respectful in dealing with their differences and disagreements. Read more at http://www.primaryethics.com.au
If you want your child to do SEE, please complete the form sent home by the school and return it to the school.
Please note, however, that we can only provide these classes to students if we have sufficient volunteers willing to undergo the necessary teacher-training. If you are interested in doing this rewarding work, please contact the school